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ST-500 Microscopy Cryostat
The Janis ST-500 continuous flow cryostat has been specially designed for use in microscopy, imaging, and high spatial resolution photoluminescence. The combination of low thermal-expansion support structure and internal vibration isolation results in nanometer scale vibration and drift levels. The cryostat geometry offers a short working distance (for use with high magnification optics), and permits mounting on common microscope stages and translators.Configuração Padrão
The ST-500 system includes a flexible high-efficiency variable flow cryogen transfer line. This line delivers liquid helium or liquid nitrogen to a two-stage heat exchanger and sample mount. The ST-500 is portable, easily mounted in a variety of configurations, and can be used both in transmission and reflection geometries.Other configurations
• Ultra-compact• Options for micro-spectroscopy techniques
• Nano-positioning stages from attocube
• Sample extension for magnetic measurements
• Breakout box accessory for electrical measurements
• Ultra high vacuum
• Superconducting magnet for high resolution microscopy
• Micro-manipulated cryogenic and vacuum probe system for chips, wafers and device testing
Options include
• A variety of window materials and sizes• Interchangeable sample mounts for different sample thicknesses
• Magneto-optical system (including optional rare earth magnets)
• Electrical and RF feedthroughs
A complete system solution including temperature controllers, pumping systems and storage dewars
Looking for a cryogen free option for your existing ST-500? Optional Recirculating Gas Cooler eliminates the use of Liquid Helium for "wet" systems. Learn more (Recirculating Gas Cooler RGC4 information).
Temperature range |
3.5 - 475 K (standard) |
Initial cooldown time |
10 K (LHe): 25 minutes |
80 K (LN2): 30 minutes |
Cryogen usage during cooldown to 4.2 K |
1 L LHe |
0.3 L LN2 |
Temperature stability (with temperature controller) |
<50 mK |
Weight (not including transfer line) |
7 lbs. (3.2 kg) |
Nominal cryogen usage |
LHe @ 5 K: ~1.1 L/hr |
LN2 @ 80 K: ~0.1 L/h |
Nominal vibration amplitude † ‡ |
±15 nm |
Positional drift‡ |
±10 nm in 5 minutes |
±60 nm in 30 minutes |
NOTE: Specifications do not include optical or experimental heat loads and assume horizontal orientation. Specifications may change depending on the length of the transfer line flexible section.
† Vibrational amplitude measured while on isolated optical table.
Results may vary depending on experimental conditions.
‡ Data courtesy of B. B. Goldberg and M. S. Unlu, Departments of Physics, ECE and Photonics Center, Boston University.