About us
Quantum Design International (QDI) is a global manufacturer and distributor of scientific and industrial instrumentation. Headquartered in San Diego, California, QDI has wholly owned subsidiaries in each of the major technology markets throughout Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Through this network of international offices, QDI offers maximized geographical coverage through a single, powerful distribution channel.
QDI's team of highly trained sales and technical service professionals offers your customers "front line" technical support, providing the highest level of product knowledge and expertise to academic and industrial scientists. In turn, we work closely with each of our distribution partners, becoming experts on each company's products and target customers to give your products the highest opportunity for worldwide market success.
QDI delivers access to worldwide markets and provides the local marketing, sales and technical support you need to expand your business. With QDI, you can implement a targeted global distribution strategy at a fraction of the cost of setting up and managing your own direct offices or multiple distribution agreements.
QDI offices are strategically located around the world in key markets for scientific instrumentation - streamlining your access to researchers and developers across Asia, Europe and the Americas. Offices in the USA, Japan, China, India, Korea, Taiwan and Brazil, as well as eleven European countries, provide you with an effective connection to major international markets for your products. This connection gives you a level of representation that is second best only to you being there.
Extend the power and reach of your organization by partnering with QDI - the most powerful and respected supplier of scientific instrumentation for research and industry in the world.
Since its inception in 1982, Quantum Design (a privately held corporation) has developed and manufactured automated temperature and magnetic field testing platforms for materials characterization. These systems offer a variety of measurement capabilities and are in widespread use in the fields of physics, chemistry, biotechnology, materials science and nanotechnology.
Quantum Design Inc. (QD) is the manufacturing arm of QDI. Located in San Diego, California, QD is the leading commercial source for automated materials characterization systems incorporating superconducting technology. QD instruments may be found in the world's leading research institutions, and have become the reference standard for a variety of magnetic and physical property measurements. Quantum Design Inc. instruments are cited in, and provide the data for, more scientific publications than any other instrument in the fields of magnetics and materials characterization. This means that each year, literally hundreds of scientific publications, advancing the science of materials, use data generated from QD instruments.
Recently, Quantum Design Inc. expanded its product line beyond material characterization, to include instruments such as: a compact IR Crystal Furnace for the creation of new material; a Superconducting High-Gradient Magnetic Separator (SHGMS) for the processing and improvement of Kaolin clay; and a full line of Advanced Technology Liquefiers (ATL) and Helium Recovery Systems for the conservation and recycling of helium (a vital and increasingly scarce resource essential for cryogenic research and instrumentation).
In diverse areas such as materials characterization, high-sensitivity electrical measurements, and in-lab helium conservation, Quantum Design's team of scientists and engineers provides a full spectrum of service and application support for customers both domestically and internationally.
Quantum Design International has been active in Latin America since 1998. In 2010 the Latin American office was opened in Brazil to meet the needs of the sizable and growing research base using Quantum Design Equipment. The office is fully operational where new features are continually being added to facilitate activities for researchers. We are fortunate to be able to represent a very good line of other scientific instrumentation companies to service Latin America.
MagnaBioSciences, LLC
MagnaBioSciences, LLC - a Quantum Design International company - has developed the Magnetic Immuno-Chromatographic Test (MICT®) system to provide for rapid and accurate immunoassays of a variety of biochemical and environmental samples, based on the well-known lateral flow format merged with the physics of magnetics. The MICT can be used in board applications in numerous areas, such as in medical diagnostics, Industrial testing, food safety testing, veterinary health, biodefense, and environmental testing arenas. For more information on MagnaBioSciences, please visit magnabiosciences.com.