Products By Feature
Select a Feature to continue:- 1 channel features divider for periodic input signals (e.g. laser synchronisation)
- 2100 °C Temperature in Floating Zone Region
- 300 Watt Air Cooled Direct ICP Head with four metal sealed mass flow controlled plasma gas inputs
- 8 input channels (LV)TTL
- 8 input channels (LV)TTL/NIM/User adjus settings
- 81 ps resolution (bin size)
- < 25 ps / < 10 ps timing jitter (FWHM/RMS)
- Automation
- Auxiliary gas mass flow controllers
- Compact / Portable
- Compact and easy-to-use
- Cooling System
- Correlative Analysis
- Cryogen free
- Customizable chamber
- Down to 1.8 K
- Down to 25 K
- Down to 25 mK
- Down to 50 mK
- Electronically tuned wavelength
- Entanglement verification
- Example software for C/C++ and Labview™
- Excellent IR Power Stability
- Excellent stain process control
- Excellent temperature uniformity
- Fast Spectral Detection
- Flexible System Integration
- Gas density and temperature
- Graphical user interface and device drivers for Windows® and Linux
- Heating option
- Helium-3 Refrigerator
- High Pressure
- High reproducibility
- High Z Resolution
- HV
- Hygroscopic sample staining
- Imaging
- In-situ tip exchange
- Laser
- Long Service Life
- Low temperature
- Magnetic fields
- No External Cooling Requirements
- Non Destructive
- Pulsed Vapor Push (PVPTM) to handle very low pressure material
- Reactive/Inert Atmosphere
- Remote Access
- Safe stain in closed system for Osmium tetroxide and Ruthenium tetroxide
- SEM Charge-up prevention
- Single Phase Power
- Stand-Alone Design
- Substrate configurable end effectors up to 200 mm diameter substrates
- Temperature Control
- Thermal Stability
- Ultra high sensibility
- Up to 1500 K
- Uses Standard ‘Off the Shelf’ Lamps
- Vacuum
- Vibration Stability
- Watchdog protection and EMO interface
- Wave Guides
- Wide Spectral Range