1.5 K Continuous Closed Cycle Refrigerator Cryostat
Turnkey Alternative to Liquid HeliumJanis Research is pleased to announce a new, low vibration pulse tube cryocooler that achieves liquid helium performance utilizing cryogen-free technology and a closed-loop system.
Standard Configuration
The Janis Model PTSHI-950-LT 1.5 K Continuous Closed Cycle Refrigerator Cryostat operates continuously from 1.5 K to 300 K (450 K Optional) and is a cryogen-free, turnkey alternative to liquid helium. Featuring pushbutton operation including sample temperature adjustment, this top loading refrigerator can locate sample in either static exchange gas or vacuum, and users can easily change it while the system is operating.
The system offers rapid sample exchange while the refrigerator is operating. The sampe is inserted, via a long rod, into a nearly isothermal region of the gas column for cooling. Sample exchange by simply removing the sample rod, switching samples on the rod, and reinserting the rod into the cryostat. The entire sequence takes ~80 minutes and is performed while the refrigerator is operating.
Capable of achieving 1.5 K in ~9 hours, the Janis Model PTSHI-950-LT 1.5 K Continuous Closed Cycle Refrigerator Cryostat has a 50.8 mm I.D. sample chamber (optional to 100 mm) and can be designed to customer specifications. The system allows you to cool samples, devices and/or equipment without the inconvenience and expense of liquid helium. It can be applied to a broad range of applications in both academic research and industrial R&D, including materials research, magnetic measurements, neutron scattering (see Neutron Scattering Configuration tab), electrical transport measurements, optical spectrscopy and spintronics.
Model PTSHI-950-LT Specifications*
• Temperature range: ~1.5 K to 300 K (500 K optional)• Initial system cooldown time: ~9 Hours to 1.5 K
• Sample change time: ~80 Minutes
• Cold Head: Pulse Tube Cryocooler
• Sample Environment: Vacuum or Static Exchange Gas
* Specifications subject to change without notice.