10 K Closed Cycle Refrigerator Systems
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10 K Closed Cycle Refrigerator Systems


Sample in Vacuum - CCS-1xx, CCS-2xx, CCS-3xx, and CCS-4xx series

Janis Research offers 10 K closed cycle refrigerator (CCR) systems in a variety of configurations. Standard models include optical, non-optical, compact, subcompact and rotatable vacuum shroud.

Standard Configuration

Janis Research offers 10 K closed cycle refrigerator (CCR) systems in a variety of configurations. Standard models include optical, non-optical, compact, subcompact and rotatable vacuum shroud.
"xx" indicates the coldhead for the system. "00" for SHI coldheads and "50" for CTI coldheads.

• Standard: CCS-1xx
• High Temperature: CCS-4xx

Compact Optical
• Standard: CCS-3xx
• Subcompact: CCS-3xxS
• Rotatable: CCS-3xxR

• Standard: CCS-2xx

Compact Non-optical
• Standard: CCS-3xxT
• Subcompact: CCS-3xxST


• 10-pin electrical feedthrough, with three spare access ports (All sample in vacuum systems)
• Evacuation valve and safety pressure relief (All sample in vacuum systems)
• Four (4) 1.63" clear view quartz windows (CCS-1xx)
• Gold-plated OFHC copper sample holder (All sample in vacuum systems)
• Helium compressor and 10' gas lines (All sample in vacuum systems)
• Optical vacuum shroud and radiation shield (f 1.0 optics) (All optical sample in vacuum systems) - OR -
• Non-magnetic stainless steel vacuum shroud and aluminum radiation shield (All non-optical sample in vacuum systems)

Available Options

• 500 K high temperature systems (CCS-2xx, CCS-3xx, CCS-3xxS, CCS-3xxR)
• 800 K high temperature systems (CCS-400H/204)
• 7 K base temperature (CCS-100/204N)
• Additional electrical feedthroughs (BNC, SMA, multipin, and others) (All sample in vacuum systems)
• Bottom window port (All sample in vacuum systems)
• Specially modified window blcok with larger window as an option (CCS-1xx, CCS-450)
• Custom designed vacuum jacket, including larger or smaller diameter, rectangular shape or additional window ports (All sample in vacuum systems)
• Gas introduction ports (All sample in vacuum systems)
• Matrix isolation configuration (all optical sample in vacuum systems)
• Rotatable vacuum jacket (All sample in vacuum systems)
• IR and other window materials (All optical sample in vacuum systems)
• Sample holder for DLTS (All sample in vacuum systems)
• UHV configured, including UHV-compatible thermometry and wiring (CCS-UHV)
• Air cooled compressor (all models)

Model CCS-100/202 Standard, Optical, Sample in Vacuum 10 K Cryocooler with SHI Coldhead
Janis is pleased to announce that the original APD Cryogenics pneumatically driven, 10 K cryocoolers using Displex™ refrigeration system technology are once again available. These cryocoolers are supplied with either Janis cryostats or as "bare" systems, and are provided in the SHI 202 10 K closed cycle system configuration. A complete range of accessories and ancillary equipment are available.

Model CCS-150 Standard, Optical, Sample in Vacuum 10 K Cryocooler with CTI Coldhead
The Janis CCS-150 is among the most versatile systems available for laboratory sample cooling. The system is equipped with f 1.0 optics, and includes provisions for a wide variety of electrical connectors. Tapped mounting holes on the vacuum jacket and a sturdy refrigerator baseplate offer convenient mounting in any orientation. The CCS-150 is designed for measurements to 325 K.

The Model CCS-150 optical closed cycle refrigerator was used in experiments mentioned in the following article, which appeared in APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 86, 081104 (2005).
Effects of epitaxial lift-off on interface recombination and laser cooling in GaInP/GaAs heterostructures


Sample in Vacuum 10 K Closed Cycle Refrigerators
Please click here to download the Sample In Vacuum 10 K Closed Cycle Refrigerators specifications chart (293 KB).